Impact on Bottom Line for Mehiläinen’s Services
Considerable efficiency gains within just 6 weeks with Agile Sourcing Process
Background & Challenge
The client is a very dynamic and innovative operator within healthcare sector. In the recent years there have been several acquisitions and the IT organisation has been busy dealing with rapid changes leaving no time to engage the client’s IT team for a sourcing project. Melkki had to come up with speed and efficiency to run the sourcing process as the window of time to engage the needed Client’s IT professionals was limited.
Our Approach
True to the agile sourcing principles the sourcing process was carried out swiftly within just weeks. In any agile sourcing process it certainly helps to have a client team that is committed, professional and adept to new ways of working – this we certainly had in this case!
Impact & Value delivered
The sourcing project delivered significant savings that were materialised almost immediately. Client’s return on investment was less than 2 months. The service level as well as tools provided by the service provider were also improved during the process.